Think Big Multi Concept ltd is a leading renewable energy company in Nigeria, we specialized in sales, maintenance and professional application of solar system and power systems, our team of trained and experience engineers and technicians are well equip with the solution of our client needs.
Starting out in 2008 as Johnson Ventures with the distribution of dry cells batteries for cars, truck, and inverters. We deal in renewable energy with the sole aim of combating global a practical solution; we encourage the use of energy efficient lightning and appliances as the first step into reducing energy consumption. We go further by advising the installations of standalone solar power systems ,solar water pumping systems, solar street lights, and inverter backup systems to further reduce energy use or an outright disengagement from utility grid.
To be a top player in harnessing Nigeria's solar power potential for economic development while preserving and promoting safe environment
To constantly seek for opportunities to contribute to the energy needs of Nigeria in particular and Africa in general through the promotion of renewable energy for a safe and green environment.
Thinksolar is fully driven by the conviction that successful rural and urban electrification can be achieved
Think solar specializes in the design and installation of renewable energy systems. Sales of all kinds of battery ranging from inverter,car, truck and solar batteries of various sizes.we provide alternative, sustainable power source for residential, commercial and government client. We offer outstanding service using high quality products delivered at affordable price.
1. Consulting,design and installation of solar power systems.
2. Installation and maintenance of backup power system.
3. Solar street lighting, solar panels farm maintenance.
4. Installation and maintenance of CCTV surveillance and security systems.
5. Retail and wholesale of various batteries (inverter,car,truck and solar),solar charge controllers and related accessories.
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